Litter Box Training:
Rabbits are easily litter boxed trained.  Provide a large littter box with rabbit safe litter (I use grass hay or wood pellet and put Timothy hay over it) or you can use Carefresh or Yesterday's news and pile hay on top.  You can also use a hay rack placed above the litter box.  Remember to use bunny safe litter.  Litter used for cats can be dangerous to bunnies.  Pine, cedar or other aromactic wood shavings may also be harmful to your bunny's health.  Rabbits like to graze and poop at the same time so keeping hay in the litter box gets them to use it and to eat more hay.  Rabbits may also choose a corner they prefer to use.  When starting training if a few poops end-up outside the litter box place them in the box to help your bunny know where they should be going.  Change the bunny's litter box daily to ensure a clean desireable place to eliminate.  Also, be sure to use white vinegar when cleaning out the litter box each day.

*The large cat corner litter box shown can be bought at Mellisa's Pet Depot in Dartmouth, MA (Tel: 508-996-0088 or Email: